What is EFT Tapping?
EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Techniques commonly referred to as “Tapping”. It is a highly effective, evidence-based stress reduction protocol that combines elements of Western cognitive behaviour therapy with Eastern acupressure. The process involves lightly tapping specific acupressure points on the face, hands and upper body while paying careful attention to a stressful emotional situation you wish to resolve.
EFT Tapping helps to take the body from a state of fight, flight, fright or freeze into a state of emotional calm from where we can more easily connect with feelings of peace and harmony.
When we are stressed and experiencing strong emotions the amygdalae in the brain (responsible for emotional and behavioral regulation) become highly activated and we can’t think clearly. The body becomes activated (i.e. racing heart, sweaty palms, tight chest, shallow breathing and more) and we go into survival mode; into a reactive fight-fright-flight-freeze-response and we feel a strong need to protect ourselves from perceived threats. We become dysregulated and dysfunctional.
When we tap, a calming signal is sent to the amygdalae. We feel less emotionally reactive and more able to think clearly. We can more easily access the prefrontal cortex (the evolved part of our brain responsible for such things as consciousness, higher-order thinking, decision making, and social-emotional behaviour) and are more able to make wise rational choices that support our best intentions.
Our brain is amazing. It is continually impacted by our thoughts and feelings and is constantly reorganizing itself by forming new neural pathways in response to our experiences (neuroplasticity). When we tap our brain slowly rewires new neural pathways giving us the opportunity to think, feel and behave differently, leaving behind unhelpful stress patterns.
The more we practice EFT Tapping the more we become empowered to positively respond to our own emotional stress.
EFT Tapping can be used with the support and guidance of a Certified EFT Practitioner, or used independently as a self-help tool. A combination of the two works best for more distressing experiences.
EFT Tapping has been extensively researched to assess its effectiveness. To date it has been researched in more than 10 countries, by 60 investigators, whose results have been published in over 20 different peer-reviewed journals and the effectiveness of EFT has been documented in over 100 studies.
#EFT Tapping is not counselling or psychological therapy, and I am not a licensed health care professional. I do not diagnose or treat any medical or mental health conditions. EFT Tapping is not a substitute for medical or mental health care. If you have long-standing emotional or physical trauma, please take full responsibility for yourself, and consult your health care practitioner before using EFT/Tapping.
The Tapping Points
The Tapping Points
Client Appreciation
“Thank you again Desley for the deep, intense and transformative session yesterday! You are a master. You held and contained me so well along with taking me deeper, grounding me and holding the space for my emotions. I feel blessed to have your professional and understanding approach guiding me on this journey to recovery”.
Shelley Washington USA